Sumatra’s Forest Guardians

We are working with forest communities in the Leuser Ecosystem in Sumatra to help equip them with the power and knowledge they need to be guardians of their forest homes.

Sustainable Living 

One of the amazing programs is helping forest communities to earn a living through sustainable farming. 

Training is conducted by setting up a series of demonstration plots (dem-plots), where local farmers can learn about permaculture, how to make organic fertiliser and undertake natural pest control. Training crops include green eggplant, water spinach, mustard greens and chilli. 

These dem-plots are helping farmers learn practical skills and farming methods to help boost their income. 

Plus, with this extra financial security, farmers and their communities are improving the local economy and environment, and building a more secure and sustainable future for both the people and wildlife who call the Leuser Ecosystem home. 


Community Education 

Another fantastic element of the program is providing environmental education in schools. 

Lessons are monthly, and cover everything from understanding the vital role of forests, to protecting orangutans, tigers, elephants and rhinos. 

Learning materials like story books are also provided to schools to help with these lessons. 

The team helped one school repair and redecorate the classrooms, hanging children’s art, planting flowers and building bookshelves to store their lovely new story books. 

Thank you so much for our amazing supporters for making these opportunities possible! 


Program name: Community Education and Conservation Program (CECP)
Location: Leuser Ecosystem, Sumatra, Indonesia
Run by: Yayasan Sumatra Hijau Lestari (YSHL)

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